Planning and more planning
Will I ever get started on building this layout? Yes - this coming Wednesday, February 24th, is the day. It's about four months since the day when I decided to start on it. I've sold virtually all of my postwar stuff and now have a better idea of my budget. I always was a planner- planning gives me great enjoyment as try to turn my imagination into realistic ways to develop and improve my work. Since my last post, I've done a bunch more of it in a couple of areas as I've progressed clearing the train room to the point where can actually put up the first piece of backdrop. Speaking of which, I had another change of mind and have bought 1/8" Masonite panels. Home Depot cut a couple of 4x8 sheets down the middle so I have four 2x8s .I also bought a 2x4 so I have 36' in total. I still need some more for the spur but since it's "off-stage', it won't have a printed backscene but just pale blue paint. I may just re...